Cloud Contact Center Solution are one of the big things nowadays. Many inbound and outbound call centers are moving their on-premises call center software to the cloud platforms. In this article, we will share more details about cloud contact center solutions and their pros and cons.

What is a cloud contact center solution?

A Call Center Software Solution that is hosted on one of the clouds hosting platforms is a cloud call center solution. It is the same as other call center solutions. The only difference is it is hosted on a cloud hosting platform.

How does a cloud call center work?

As mentioned earlier, there is no major difference between an on-premise call center software solution and a cloud contact center solution. Thus, there is no huge difference in the operational model. The cloud contact center solutions can be used in inbound call centers and outbound call centers. It lets a call center run its normal operations with better features.

What are the pros and cons of a cloud contact center system?

There are some pros and cons of cloud contact center solutions compared to on-premises call center software and we will cover those.


1. Quick to set up

The major advantage of using a cloud contact center system is that it can be set up within a day or two if your call center software provider is proactive. Unlike on-premises call center solutions, you will not need to buy servers and configure them before setting up the best call center software. The cloud hosting providers offer ready-to-use space. You can set up a call center software system within the least time.

2. Reduced expenses

As the call center software will be hosted on cloud space, you will not need to buy hardware and servers. You will also not need physical space to set up servers. This will reduce the cost of setup. It will also reduce expenses. 

3. Highly scalable

The cloud contact center solutions are highly scalable and quick to scale up. You will not need to wait to get physical setup as you would need in the case of on-premises servers. A majority of cloud hosting platforms support scalability within a few hours. This can help you speed up your operations and take advantage of having a completely scalable solution. 


1. Unexpected expenses

One of the major issues of using a cloud call center solution is you may need to face some unexpected expenses. Cloud space needs to be optimized, else it can add up to the total expenses. 

2. Legal issues

In some countries, the usage of cloud call center solutions is not allowed. As per the telecom laws in some countries, any business or inbound or outbound call center needs to use an on-premise call center software system


Cloud contact center solutions are popular, but before getting one, you must know all pros and cons related to a cloud contact center system. We can help you get the best call center software and also help you with a selection of the right hosting platform. Contact us for more details.