Change is constant and bringing positive change is a necessity. In businesses, many actions are taken to handle customers and their positive experience with the brand. Businesses keep investing resources to bring out the best possible for customers. However, to deliver a better and jaw-dropping experience to customers, they need to have a well-defined strategy in place.

Data transformed into insightful information can help to define the right customer service strategy. Intelligent call center software is one of those few solutions, which can help to transform data into insightful analytics. This solution offers various reports, which provide insightful call center analytics. This information can be used to deliver a better customer experience by making a fact-based strategy.

What to look at to create a strategy to deliver a better customer experience?

1. Total call time

Generally, businesses only focus on average call duration, but that is not an accurate KPI (Key Performance Indicator) to look at. You need to focus on the actual time a customer spends, which include:

  • Ringing time
  • Time in queue
  • Talk time and
  • Hold time

Measuring the total time a customer spends in a call center and working on reducing the same can help in improving customer experience.

2. Autonomous resolution

Companies and customers both prefer automation. Companies can save resources and customers can save time. Intelligent call center software offers many features to automate various actions. Customers can choose a self-serving option. Inspecting customer experience in the areas already automated helps in ensuring that customers are happy with the services. Moreover, some more areas can be added to save resources and time.

3. First call resolution

If the concern of a customer gets resolved in the first call itself, then it is called First Call Resolution (FCR). The benefit of FCR is the customer does not need to call multiple times, which possibly build up frustration. Moreover, first call resolution also helps in saving time of agents to handle the same customer multiple times. Therefore, they can attend more customers. Intelligent call center software offers various features, which can be used to increase first call resolution ratio.

4. Call transfer

This is also one of the KPIs, which hamper customer experience. If customers’ calls need to be transferred multiple times, then it wastes customers’ time and hampers customers’ experience. Two basic factors, which increase call transfer, are briefly explained below:

  • Inaccurate IVR: If your IVR menu is incorrect, then the customer will be added to the inaccurate call queue. An IVR can be incorrect because of multiple reasons. The most common one is a too long or complex menu, which confuses the callers.
  • Wrong call routing rules: An intelligent call center solution offers many amazing call routing rules. However, choosing the right one is your job.

Keeping close eyes on the reports and call center analytics helps in reducing unnecessary call transfers.

These are common and must focus areas. All this insight is available in the reports section of your intelligent call center software. To experience how an intelligent solution transforms data into analytics, contact us.