Call center solutions are one of the most popular tools these days. There are many businesses that have started using a call center solution and why not, from increasing customer retention to boosting team productivity. It helps in multiple ways. If you, too, are thinking to buy a call center solution, you need to make sure you get the right one. It is a one-time investment and you should choose a solution that can benefit you in the long-term. In this article, we will share a complete guide and some important tips to keep in mind while buying a call center software solution.

1. Advanced features

As mentioned earlier, it is a one-time and long-term investment. Thus, make sure to check the feature list. Do not fall for a long list of features. Make sure to look for the advanced and standard features, which are useful to run operations and gain a competitive edge. One of the tips is to look for an intelligent call center software. It is the most advanced call center solution as it uses cutting-edge technologies and offers advanced features.

2. Omnichannel communication

Omnichannel communication is unavoidable these days. Traditional call center solutions offer only audio calling. Nowadays, people are busy. Calling them or keeping them in call queue during busy times may not yield fruitful results. Thus, it is necessary to buy a solution, which supports omnichannel communication. Intelligent call center software such as iCallify provides support for all majorly used communication channels such as:

  • Phone Calls
  • Live Web Chat
  • WhatsApp
  • Email
  • SMS
  • Social Media

To match the pace with the consumer demand and stay ahead of competitions, it is necessary to use intelligent call center software that supports omnichannel communication.

3. Flexible support model

A call center solution is a technical tool. Of course, modern software solutions are built with GUI elements, but it is possible that in the future, you need some sort of technical support. Thus, it is recommended to discuss the technical support models and charges while considering an intelligent call center software. It is necessary that your provider offers a flexible and affordable support model.

4. Free trial

Product demos are often good and as salesperson walks you through it, all seem perfect. However, to make sure the intelligent call center software is easy to use and indeed powerful, you must ask for a free trial. Do not fall for big names. Prefer to have a risk-free trial for at least a week or two.

5. Pricing models

Last, but not the least, a flexible pricing model can be the icing on the cake. When everything is perfect in the intelligent call center software that you are considering, the final step is to check pricing models. If it is flexible, it is the right one to go for. For example, we let our iCallify buyers pay the license cost in installments.

This is simple to follow yet a vital guide to buying the right call center software.

We offer one of the most advanced intelligent call center software with flexible payment models. Contact us for more details.