Remote meetings have become the norm now. Using different video conferencing solutions, people participate in or conduct video conferences. Being it a virtual meeting, professionals need to take additional care to leave a positive impression on other participants. Here are some of the tips to keep in mind for your next remote meeting:

Check your tech and hardware in advance

Some video conferencing software solutions need you to download the software and take some additional steps to join a video conference. On the other hand, some of them need you to open a web app and join the conference. Thus, being prepared is necessary. At least an hour in advance check all of the following tech and hardware devices:

  • Video conferencing solution
  • Microphone
  • Webcam or laptop cam
  • Internet connection

Dress-up professionally

You might be attending a meeting from home, but you need to be in professional attire and looks. You are here to leave a positive impression, so do not be lazy in getting ready for it.

Get ready before 10 minutes

It has been witnessed that at the end time, some issues come up and you need to restart the system or you need to rush to get something. Thus, before 10 minutes, get ready.

  • You should take a seat at the place with a good background without any distractions.
  • Have a good light in the room.
  • Keep your notebook, pen, water bottle, etc. nearer to you.

Greet participants on joining

It seems like a common thing everyone does in any meeting, but it is necessary to keep in mind. Do not forget to have a quick and formal greeting. It not only gives a professional start to the meeting, but also helps you check everyone can hear you and vice verse.

Give attention

As a video conference is carried out online, often people face many distractions such as notifications of new emails, chat requests, etc. However, it is necessary to be attentive to the speaker and show value to their time.

Wait for your turn to speak

In a virtual meeting, there are high chances of chaos when possibly all or multiple people start talking altogether. Also, it is difficult to control the situation in a virtual meeting by the host or moderator until and unless he uses force mute all or kick-out features available in the video conferencing solutions.

Do not indulge in such unprofessional behavior. Wait for the turn to speak or you can use the feature like “Raise Hand” available in the video conferencing software to show a willingness to share your point.

Mute yourself while not speaking

It is considered professional to mute yourself when you are not speaking or you do not need to answer to the speaker as it also removes any kind of noise in line and makes the experience seamless.

Taking part in a virtual meeting or remote meeting may sound casual, but it is not. You should prepare yourself exactly you would while going to a physical meeting.