The telecommunication industry has gone through several ground-breaking changes and shifts. The golden era of this industry started with the invention of SIP based communication. It drastically changed the world of communication with different innovations and cheaper access to long distance calling. The addition of multimedia and rich communication features shifted the whole ecosystem. The discovery of multi-tenant IP PBX has made the impossible possible with its amazing features. In fact, the top development companies and industry experts are predicting that this software is defining the future of the telecommunication industry. 

If you are wondering why a multi-tenant IP PBX solution is the future of the telecommunication industry, then here are the five major reasons behind it: 

Top 5 Major Reasons Which Proves That Multi Tenant IP PBX Future of the Telecommunication Industry 

multi-tenant IP PBX software
  1. It Reduces Expenses

    The multi tenant IP PBX software works on the internet and uses SIP calling mechanism to provide communication cost. Extension to extension and app to app calling is absolutely free with the SIP technology. This reduces the overall communication cost for businesses, which makes it more popular compared to traditional telephony infrastructure. Moreover, it also reduces infrastructure management, extension and new phone line addition, and other expenses related to telecommunication. 

    For a provider, it lowers the expenses related to managing the telephony infrastructure required to provide telephony services to businesses. Compared to the traditional telephony switches, gateways, wires, and other infrastructure, managing an IP PBX solution along with tenant features is way cheaper. Moreover, it requires less manpower to maintain this software and provide telecommunication services to customers. This makes it popular among service providers. 

    1. It Gives Access to Rich Communication Feature

    A multi-tenant IP PBX system offers a range of amazing communication features such as: 

    • Dashboard with real-time system status 
    • Dynamic IVR system 
    • Automatic call distribution 
    • Call queues 
    • Holiday and time based call routing 
    • Caller ID 
    • Restricted Caller ID 
    • Call recording 
    • Call hold and retrieve 
    • Music on Hold 
    • Call mute and unmute 
    • 3-way conferencing call 
    • Voicemail 
    • Reports 
    • And more 

    Businesses that use this communication solution are happy because of the value it offers with its powerful features. At a lower cost than conventional telephony solutions, this software provides a wider range of rich communication features. This helps businesses in leveraging multiple advantages. 

    On the other hand, the providers are happy to offer distinct rate cards and subscription plans. A majority of these multi-tenant IP PBX solutions have an integrated VoIP billing solution, which will handle the required accounting, billing, and invoicing job. 

    1. It Lets Providers Capture Multiple Geographies

    Any business envisions crossing geographical borders and capturing multiple areas to increase revenue and branding. With a traditional telecommunication system, it is difficult to even think about it because it requires a huge physical setup. The advantage of multi-tenant IP PBX is everything can be handled remotely with a software solution. It does not require any hardware or wiring to handle communication business and this makes it easier for business owners to capture more geographical areas. 

    Enhance your business communication with our innovative Multi Tenant IP PBX solutions.

    Along with remote access, this IP PBX solution can also be available with support for multiple languages, which can help in catering to customers in their preferred language. Even local staff can be hired that can efficiently manage this software and provide excellent customer service. Even a VoIP billing solution will support multiple currencies to make payment processing convenient. 

    This ease of reaching and capturing more networks and markets can help in increasing business advantages, which is not possible with a traditional telephony system. This makes this solution future-proof. 

    1. It is Highly Scalable

    In any business, communication needs are likely to grow as the team size increases with each passing year. The SIP based communication system is highly scalable and has the bandwidth to support these increasing communication needs of businesses with ease. Adding a new phone number with a DID or adding a new extension, everything can be done within a few minutes or hours and without much hassle. All this makes this software quite popular among business owners across the globe and makes it future-ready. 

    The communication business is rapidly growing and therefore, it needs business solutions that can quickly scale up the capacity to meet the growing business needs. The multi-tenant IP PBX software developed with the right technology and hosted with the right clustering setup has the capacity to scale up software capacity to meet any growth rate. This makes the system highly scalable and helps in supporting business owners to meet their business agendas and goals. 

    1. It Simplifies Management

    Unlike a traditional telecommunication system, a multi-tenant IP PBX solution does not need communication service providers to manage hardware, devices, wires, and other gadgets to set up a private business phone system. Everything can be done remotely and even the software can be used remotely by the customers. This makes it quite easy to manage not only service offerings but also offering technical support and customer care. The system itself is software with minimum hardware, which further reduces the manual efforts to manage the system for both customer and the provider. 

    1. It Makes it Easier to Build a Reseller Network

    The local providers are often preferred by businesses and the multi-tenant IP PBX system makes it possible for a VoIP service provider to build a local reseller network to offer business phone services and doorstep support based on the customer requirements. The right software will have an inbuilt module for reseller management, which makes it quite easy to create a reseller network and run a business locally to keep customers happy and stress low. 

    Concluding notes 

    Communication is a fundamental need of any business and that need is going to continue to grow with time. This sets the stage for communication service providers to meet the telecommunication needs of businesses with innovative communication solutions. 

    The traditional telephony system has several setbacks. From having heavy infrastructure, which is difficult to set up and manage to increased maintenance costs, the requirement for huge manpower, etc. are major challenges caused by the traditional solution. Even with this system, it is quite difficult to create a network of resellers or capture new geographies even within the same country. 

    The multi-tenant IP PBX solutions, on the other hand, are compact, easy to manage, efficient, and scalable. Not only, this technology helps service providers to offer better services at lower expenses, but it also simplifies management and reduces operational expenses, which makes it a preferred choice for service providers. 

    Businesses also love using the communication system made available with the SIP based communication solution because it is very easy to avail. It is low maintenance and it has amazing benefits to offer. The scalability of the software is a major plus point of the solution for both providers and consumers that use this software service. 

    As this system eliminates major challenges caused by a traditional telecommunication system and helps in setting up a global network of communication businesses to the provider, it is the future of the telecommunication industry. 

    We offer the most scalable, secure, and robust multi-tenant IP PBX that has advanced communication features. Moreover, this system has an inbuilt reseller module to let you create a powerful reseller network. It is a multilingual support with an inbuilt billing system with multi-currency support. To book a free demo of this system, please contact us.

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