Nowadays people are using many smart phone and doing many things online. We do online, from learning to working, connecting to shopping, online security is a demanding piece of our everyday life. That’s why Android provide many safer and defensive lines to make the internet safer for their billions users. Though with these layers of prevention, it still require bit of precaution to be super safe.

Step 1: Must use Google play to find safe apps

Google play team do many behind the scenes to review apps before they can be published on Google Play. Even before we install an app, Google uses a different methods to check that developers are complying app with our policies. If an app breach those policies, it is blocked from Play store and sometimes the developer is too. Apps that are treated to be probably harmful are blocked and flagged for a manual review by members of the Android Security Team. Here is the recently published white paper, to understand how Android continues to process and keep your device safe even after you download an app.

1.1 The app review process before it can be added to Google Play

Step 2. Set a screen lock and activate Android Device Manager

It is important to set a screen lock so a stranger can not access what’s on your device, because anybody can lose their phone. And if you ever lose your device, you can remotely locate, lock, or even wipe/erase it with Android Device Manager. This feature given and preinstalled on all Android devices with the Play store, so you just have to activate it.

Step 3. Check that your device is encrypted

Encryption is very important because it insulate your data by storing it in an unreadable form, so if your device is stolen or lost your information remains preserved. To make sure that your device is encrypted enter Settings, under Encryption tap Security, and tap Encrypt phone (For tablet: Encrypt tablet). Newer Nexus devices, like the Nexus 6P and Nexus 5X, are encrypted by default.

Step 4. Manage app permissions

Every Android app is housed in a virtual sandbox, unless you have given app additional permissions, the only data an app can use is the data that is in it. I.e, apps that you install aren’t able to get information like camera, photos or your location unless you allow them permission. Even you can control a given app’s permission on devices running new Android 6.0 Marshmallow, from Settings, tapping Apps and selecting an app from the list of installed apps. And on the App info screen, you will see a Permissions that lists all the permissions that app has access to.You’ll be able to toggle on and off individual permissions by clicking on them.