Modern business has realized that the key to a healthy profit margin is not simply cost savings. It also includes finding new sources of income. Call center or technical support contacts more customers than marketing staff, so the most effective call center solution includes how to turn those contacts into revenue opportunities. The hard part here is that despite the fact that business owners often use one of the best call center software; there is no clue as to the possible actions that can be taken in this direction. This blog post discusses the top three metrics that call center owners can use to improve performance to improve revenue and ROI, or you can also go with one of the meticulously developed intelligent call center software for an instant result.

1. Call queue time

Call queue time and average call queue time are two metrics that can be used in a call center solution for performance measurement. To provide the best customer experience, call waiting time should be as short as possible. If the call queue time is too long or fairly long such as more than 3 minutes, the customer is more likely to hang up or be frustrated. If your call queue time average is more than 3 minutes, you should understand that it is time to increase the number of call center agents and seats in your call center solution.

2. Call wrap up-time

Call lab uptime is an incredible measure of individual agent performance and call center performance. Post-call turnaround time is visible to agents as a whole. This metric in intelligent call center software shares the average time agents spent answering customer questions and resolving concerns. As you might have guessed, post-call processing time should be as short as possible. Less talk time shows the expertise of the agent in providing a satisfactory solution. If the average call wrap-up time is very high, this number should be improved by finding the problems faced by the agent in solving the customers’ problem and providing an effective solution.

3. Call Handling Rate

Agents usually handle calls and always provide punch break or logout options available in call center solutions when they are not attending the calls. There are other scenarios in the call center industry where calls are delivered to agents, but it’s not good to say that you can’t answer the call. Percentage Calls Handled represents the percentage value of the number of calls actually answered in the number of calls routed to agents. This metric should be high in number. If it is low, the agent does not provide 100%, so you need to take the necessary action.

In general, some other key performance indicators included in usually required metrics of call center solution are:

  • Rate of answer speed
  • Average processing time per call
  • Average call value
  • Occupancy and Productivity

Metrics are the important guides provided by the call center solutions to help its managers and owners make their call center business count. If you are looking for an intelligent call center software that offers a wide range of reports, contact us.