VoIP based communication tools are setting new trends every day. Businesses to VoIP service providers have witnessed how these communication tools are taking the world over by storm due to the exceptional advantages they have to offer. Even if there are several ready to use VoIP telephony solutions available as third party and open-source solutions, some providers prefer to invest in from scratch development of VoIP software. FreeSWITCH Development is the most preferred platform by the providers and is frequently recommended by VoIP development companies. 

Along with FreeSWITCH, there are several other technologies available for building diversified communication solutions. But, FreeSWITCH is dominating this space because of its versatile nature and several other reasons, which we will explore in detail in this blog post. 

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Let’s explore all the interesting facts about FreeSWITCH to identify what are the major driving factors that make it the most dominant platform in the VoIP industry. 

What is FreeSWITCH Development?

It is an open-source platform used to build different communication and telephony solutions. It is licensed under Mozilla Public License. The major advantage of this platform is that FreeSWITCH developers don’t really need to start developing a telephony solution from scratch. They can take advantage of an array of open-source libraries made available by the community for free to add commonly used features and functionalities to the software. 

What Are The Major Advantages of Using FreeSWITCH for Building Different VoIP solutions?

Advantages of Using FreeSWITCH

It is recognized for the amazing quality of call and service it offers compared to other communication software development platforms like Asterisk, sipXec, Jitsi, etc. It uses a single line to handle different VoIP packets that consist of voice, data, multimedia, and video. On a single line, it can manage all VoIP packets coming from and going to SIP or PSTN networks. 


FreeSWITCH custom development companies love this platform because of its modular architecture and clean design. The community has designed this platform by using open-source libraries to keep the platform compact, effective, and clutter-free. These benefits are not readily available with other VoIP software development platforms. The design of this platform makes it quite simple to distinguish different features like IVR, click to call, ICT features, etc., and use them for building robust platforms. 

The popular open-source libraries used in this platform are as follows: 

  • SQLite: SQL database engine, which lets you use SQL databases in your FreeSWITCH solutions without increasing load on the system. 
  • Libspeex: It is used for encoding and decoding voice codecs. 
  • Apache Portable Runtime: Apache web server resources 
  • LibSRTP: Secure Real time Transport Protocol (SRTP) implementation library. 
  • Sofia-SIP: Library of SIP user agent. 
  • mod_spandsp: It is used for pass-through or 38 fax gateways for developing solutions like FoIP. 


A great characteristic of this platform that makes it the first choice of any FreeSWITCH consulting service provider is the flexibility of the platform for using different development platforms and languages. It can easily load scripts that are written by the top FreeSWITCH developers in any of the following languages: 

  • PHP 
  • Python 
  • Perl 
  • Lua 
  • XML 
  • JavaScript 
  • Java 
  • C 
  • .Net 
  • And more 

A FreeSWITCH solution built by a FreeSWITCH development company can be used with any operating system such as: 

  • Debian 
  • RHEL 
  • Ubuntu 
  • Mac OS/ MacOS X 
  • CentOS/ Fedora and 
  • Windows 

All these amazing characteristics make it a truly cross telephony solution development platform. 

Innovative features 

Almost all VoIP software development platforms support different features, but what makes FreeSWITCH stand apart is the unique features it has to offer such as: 

  • Serial hunting 
  • Parallel hunting 
  • Inband DTMF generation and detection 
  • Tone generation 
  • Thread isolation 
  • Wideband conferencing 
  • And many more 

All these features give an upper hand to a FreeSWITCH custom development company to build more versatile and unique telephony solutions using this platform. 

High Performance 

The beauty of this platform, which makes it a favorite of so many VoIP development companies, is its exceptional performance as a telephony platform. It can support literally double the number of calls per second (CPS) and concurrent calls using a server with the same configuration as Asterisk. This has impressed many investors and developers and made FreeSWITCH the #1 choice for building robust and high performing telephony solutions. 

Highly Responsive Community 

All open-source platforms have a community that makes the life of developers easy by supporting them with free help to fix bugs, solve major problems, get support to build new features, etc. The beauty of the FreeSWITCH community is they are very proactive and really supportive. They provide solutions within a few hours if you use the official FreeSWITCH mailing list support community. This can ensure that neither a company nor a developer is stuck anywhere. 

What Are The Major Benefits of FreeSWITCH Based Solutions?

Major Benefits of FreeSWITCH

There are several advantages of using FreeSWITCH for developing telephony solutions. Here are the major advantages of investing in FreeSWITCH development services or building an IP telephony solution with your team of developers using this platform. 

Low cost 

FreeSWITCH is an open-source platform, which means it is available for free with its source code. Any FreeSWITCH custom development company or developer can download and use this source code to build a customized telephony solution for your business without paying for the code or software. This will be a feature rich and white label solution. 

It uses a single line to manage voice, multimedia, video, and data for both SIP and PSTN networks, which further reduces the expenses of a company using this platform. Furthermore, with the same configuration and infrastructure as an Asterisk setup, you can achieve double performance. It means if with Asterisk you can run 500 concurrent calls, then with FreeSWITCH you can run 1000 concurrent calls. 

All this and many more characteristics of this platform lower the cost and increase the advantages. 

Excellent scalability 

In VoIP businesses, the scalability of the platform is a major driving factor considered by the FreeSWITCH consulting service provider while selecting the platform. FreeSWITCH is a highly scalable platform. Each component of this open-source VoIP telephony development platform can be segregated and clustered. This gives amazing scalability to the solutions developed using it. 

Highly reliable 

FreeSWITCH platform has a very proactive community that works relentlessly to make it a better platform each passing day, and this benefits the companies that use FreeSWITCH based solutions by investing in the best FreeSWITCH development services or getting their hands dirty with development. The platform has made notable features, which are easily available to use in building diverse platforms. From standard to innovative solutions can be developed using this reliable technology that is growing in popularity each passing day. 


Another excellent advantage of using a FreeSWITCH based solution is robustness. FreeSWITCH is renowned for its robust nature to support multi tenancy. It gives excellent performance with multi-tenant platforms and ensures high availability of the software with service level agreement of uptime up to 99.99%. 


FreeSWITCH is the most versatile platform, and this really works in the favor of users of this platform. FreeSWITCH supports different codecs, protocols, development platforms, scripting languages, and operating systems. This gives freedom of selecting the infrastructure of the company using this platform to build telephony solutions. 

Vendor independence 

As FreeSWITCH is an open source and supports different development and scripting languages, you can enjoy using vendor independence. There are several FreeSWITCH custom development companies that provide the development of diverse telephony solutions using this platform. As the source code is available, any development company having expertise in FreeSWITCH can provide further development and support. That means when you use a FreeSWITCH based solution, you can enjoy vendor independence. 

Diverse Solution Development 

Any single tenant and multi-tenant platform can be developed using FreeSWITCH. From a simple solution like an IVR to a robust telephony software solution such as a wholesale Softswitch can be developed using FreeSWITCH. Thus, a business owner can develop a chain of communication and telephony solutions using this single platform. 

Concluding notes

In a nutshell, FreeSWITCH is the most robust, scalable, high performance, reliable, and secure platform that can be used by developers and companies to build custom telephony solutions. There are several advantages from performance to high availability of the solution, innovative features, clean code, and more that make it the most adopted and preferred platform among major development companies in the VoIP industry. 

We are a leading FreeSWITCH development company, and we provide custom telephony software development services on this platform. You can also hire a FreeSWITCH developer from our company to build any custom telephony solution for your own business or to run a revenue generating business. We have mastery in FreeSWITCH and we can be your ideal partner for building tailored solutions and providing reliable support for the software. To discuss this further, contact us.

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