We are overwhelmed by the experience we had at the ClueCon Developers Conference 2022. We are so happy to be part of this event as one of the sponsors and participate in full swing. This was a memorable experience for us as we are closely connected with FreeSWITCH developers of SignalWire and FreeSWITCH. This event gave us the opportunity to meet them in person, plus, taking advantage of multiple other opportunities. Overall, it was one of the most successful participation we had. 

Networked with core developers 

One of the most outstanding experiences of participating in ClueCon 2022 is meeting the core developers of major VoIP technologies and communities like FreeSWITCH, Signalwire, OpenSIPs, Asterisk, etc. Our representative got an opportunity to meet and network with them and discuss various aspects related to VoIP open source development. It has been a great learning session for us and them as well. We are keen to stay connected with them and come up with something really big for our clients and the telecom industry, too. 

Benefited the community with our domain expertise 

Our representative delivered a keynote session at this event to let participants understand the worth of open source VoIP platforms like an open source VoIP billing solution or a class 4 Softswitch solution and to thrive a business. We also had a meet-up session in which we shared our domain expertise along with more details about our smart telephony platform, ASTPP, which is also an open source solution. 

Launched the latest version of open source VoIP platform supported by ASTPP 

launch of ASTPP Community Version 6.0

We are so overjoyed as we got such a prestigious stage to announce the launch of ASTPP Community Version 6.0. The community version has come up with more advanced features for the users of this open source smart telephony platform, ASTPP. The participants of ClueCon were quite interested in this new version of ASTPP and they even started downloading it there to explore more about this powerful telephony platform. We have a dedicated team of FreeSWITCH developers and other VoIP open source development experts that manages the growth of this platform. 

Met existing customers and prospective clients 

We could also meet our existing clients that had some really interesting comments to share. We always love the feedback of clients and positive feedback definitely rejuvenates the gusto of developing more advanced telephony features. We are also glad to see ClueCon participants who were interested in our VoIP open source product along with our custom VoIP development services. 

Had a lot of fun 

ClueCon events are popular for fun events and moments of recreation. We also had so much fun participating in those events, winning some exciting prizes, and making more friends. Each event and game along with celebrations like Halloween celebration made this event much more memorable for us. 

Concluding notes 

In conclusion, our participation in the ClueCon event was a big hit for us. Meeting all core developers, from FreeSWITCH developers to other community experts, delivering keynote sessions, and taking part in multiple other activities was a great experience. Sponsoring ClueCon is one of the best experiences, too. If you are interested in knowing more about our VoIP development services or company, contact us. 

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