Call center solutions are commonly available in the market, but what is not available so commonly is a multi tenant call center solution. Our proprietary call center solution, namely, iCallify is known as an intelligent call center software solution. However, this is not it! Along with being an intelligent and the most advanced call center solution, it is also a multi tenant call center solution.

What is a multi tenant call center solution?

A call center solution, which supports tenant creation and management is called a multi-tenant solution. A tenant can be the one that pays rent to use this intelligent call center software or any other branch of the company or its partners.

In simpler words, a tenant can be considered as sub-users or sub-accounts of a single solution. You can create multiple accounts of this software and let them get used it independently. Still, the control of usage and some other important aspects will be available in the main admin account, which has the authority to create tenant accounts

What are the utilities of a multi tenant call center solution?

It is obvious to have this question, what exactly are the utilities of a multi-tenant solution? Or what are the advantages of using it? In this article, we will share the top utilities and its benefits, which are distinct from a single-tenant aka standard call center solution.

1. To launch a business as a SaaS call center solution provider

Launching a business is launching a new way of generating revenues. As we all know call center is a rapidly growing industry. There are many businesses using this solution. More and more businesses are adopting or switching to the intelligent call center software, iCallify due to its wide array of features and excellent benefits. In this era, launching a business as a SaaS call center software provider can work in your favor as many small businesses or startup will use this service. Not all businesses can afford to buy an intelligent omnichannel call center solution. This gives the opportunity to earn more and higher. This is possible only if you have a multi tenant call center solution. You cannot offer services with a simple or standard software solution.

2. To give different call center instances to different branches

Many large call centers or MNCs have multiple branches across the globe. Buying a single call center solution and enforcing all branches use that solution would cause many issues. Therefore, to make sure each branch has the right resources, multi-tenant intelligent call center software is mandatory to buy. If you buy a single-tenant call center solution, then you cannot create tenants to give different access to different branches. Installing an instance or single-tenant solution on a different branch is not possible. You will need to buy multiple call center solutions. On the contrary, a multi-tenant solution lets you create instances and install them for different branches with no additional cost.

iCallify is a scalable and robust multi-tenant call center solution. If you want to book a 14-day risk-free trial, contact us.