We had announced earlier that our director and owner, Mr. Arpit Modi, is going to visit Istanbul for a business trip. We are glad to share the next update on that news. Our director is now in Istanbul, Turkey on his business trip. He has reached there on 16th Feb, 2019. He has started with a short meeting and some sightseeing in Istanbul, Turkey.

As per the predefined agenda, he is going to meet our existing customer who has invited him with an aim to explore possible mutual grounds. We will create synergy with our customer in Turkey with possible business affiliations and channel partnership.

Along with the stated customer meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, our director is also going to meet our other existing customers who have shown interest in our top products, solution and services as well as VoIP termination partnership and business affiliation programs.

Our director has some scheduled meetings with the prospective customers in Istanbul, Turkey, which are some very well known VoIP organizations and telecom companies. These companies have shown interest in our following solutions:

We have also received interest of some of the renowned companies in Istanbul, Turkey for our VoIP, web and mobile app development services. Our director, Mr. Arpit Modi, will meet the prospective customers to explore more on their need and propose how our solution can benefit them with our best services.

Our director will be in Istanbul for a couple of days and he is willing to meet like-minded professionals to explore mutual business grounds. We have some great offerings of products and services as well as we have some really attractive partnership programs. If you are interested in scheduling a meeting or know more about our offerings, please get in touch!